Exit Survey for History BA * Indicates a required field.OverviewHow many semesters did you it take you to complete the history major?*Please enter a number from 1 to 100.How many courses did you take in the history major?*Please enter a number from 1 to 100.Which history course did you like best? What skills and knowledge did you gain in this course?*Which history course was the least valuable and why?* Influence of MajorHow did the core course, Perspectives on History, influence your understanding of how historians conduct research and assess evidence?Did Perspectives influence your work in other history courses? Did it influence your work in courses outside the history major?How did the history major affect the way you see the world?Do you have any recommendations for improving the major? Post-Graduation PlansAfter graduating from RUC, do you plan to attend graduate or professional school?* Yes No In what field?If you have been admitted to a post-graduate program, provide the school’s name.Will you be seeking full-time employment after you graduate?* Yes No In what field?If you already have a job, please provide a brief description.How did your history major affect your future plans for education or work? CommentsAny additional comments you would like to make?The History Department would like to stay in touch! Please provide a permanent email address. Demographics (Optional)AgePlease enter a number from 5 to 120.GenderRace/EthnicityCAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.