General Information

The History Department wants to help our majors plan their programs of study wisely and effectively, so that students can take maximum advantage of what we have to offer. Although we do not assign each student an adviser, we encourage all students to consult regularly with one or more members of the Department about course choices and also about other matters related to their studies. One of the advantages of Rutgers-Camden’s small size is that faculty can get to know students, and vice-versa. Give your professors a chance to get to know you outside the classroom, and they can give you a lot of useful suggestions, pointing you in the right direction early on in your major.

Students’ first point of contact for questions about the History major or minor is the Department’s Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Professor Wendy Woloson, can be reached via email at  She is always happy to answer questions by email or in person.

You are also always welcome to consult the department chair, Professor Andrew Shankman, about advising or any other matters related to the History major or History Department.  His office is in room 209 at 429 Cooper Street. You can drop in any time during his posted office hours. You may also contact him to set up a meeting by appointment; his email is

Students who have gotten to know particular professors are urged to ask them to serve in an advisory capacity, particularly for in-depth advice about such matters as graduate study or preparation for careers.

For general advising on your course of study outside the History major or minor, students should consult the Advising Office.  Staff at Advising are assigned to work with particular departments.  The History Department’s liaison is Assistant Dean Jennifer Thiel and the Undergraduate Program Coordinator work together to ensure that History students receive appropriate advice about their course of study.

 Whenever you meet your adviser, it is a good idea to bring a copy of your worksheets, both for the major and for the general requirements, so you can easily show which requirements you have fulfilled and which you must still fulfill. Please take advantage of Degree Navigator, a flexible degree audit and academic advising system for undergraduate programs.

Please Note:  The Office of Academic Advising will be conducting virtual online appointments until further notice. If students wish to make an appointment with their advisor, they can do so through raptor connect at  Academic Advising appointments will be conducted through telephone or webex (  We also urge students to utilize our online chat at for any questions or concerns.

One other point to bear in mind: if you think you have been given an exemption from a requirement (or that a special arrangement has been agreed to), make sure that you have it in writing.

Transfer Students

It is actually the campus Advising Office, not the History Department, which is responsible for arranging transfer credits, but the History Department works closely with them.  Any questions about transferring in History credits should be directed in the first instance to the History Department’s liaison in the Advising Office Assistant Dean Jennifer Thiel who consults with the History Department as appropriate concerning particular questions about transfer credits.