We invite history majors considering graduate studies in History to apply for the BA/MA program during the spring term of their junior year. This option permits qualified students to take three MA-level History courses during the senior year, and provides them with an appreciation for the dynamics, workload, and rewards of graduate study. These three courses count as filling BA and major requirements in history, i.e., they are not extra courses, and they are billed at the undergraduate tuition rate. In addition, students who continue on into the Rutgers Camden Master of History program will have these three courses credited toward their graduate degree requirements.
Application is simple. After talking with the graduate director, candidates write a letter of application and secure two brief recommendations from History Department faculty with whom they have taken classes. These materials go to the graduate director, who will respond within four weeks. Successful BA/MA students generally have a 3.5 average or better in their history courses.
To learn more about the program, contact the Graduate Program Director, Professor Lorrin Thomas, at lthomas2@camden.rutgers.edu.