The 15-credit Leadership Studies Minor will be awarded to College of Arts & Sciences students upon completion of the following with a grade of ‘C’ or higher:
- Introduction to Leadership Studies / 50:609:201 (3cr.). This interdisciplinary course provides an introduction to theories and philosophies of leadership, ethics, vision, conflict management, and other related topics. The course will fulfill general education requirements for Engaged Civic Learning with a cross-cut in morals and ethics.
- Organizational Behavior / 52:620:303 (3cr.) – School of Business course for CCAS students
- Professional Writing / 50:989:200 (3cr.) Fulfills ‘W’ requirement for Gen Ed. OR Public Speaking / 50:950:281 (3cr.)
AND Two Leadership Studies-approved, 300-400-level courses (6 cr.), such as:
- 50:120:390/91 Principles and Practices of Biological Research / Lab (3+1)
- 50:120:491,492 Special Problems in Biology (BA,BA)
- 50:160:494 Special Topics in Chemistry
Computer Science
- 50:198:491,492 Special Topics in Computer Science (3,3)
- 50:198:493 Senior Design Project (3)
- Economics of Leadership 50:220:366
- Managerial Economics 50:220:308 (Prerequisite: 50:220:102 and 103)
- Social Marketing: Strategic Approach for Health Promotion 50:220:317 (Prerequisite: 50:220:102 and 103)
- Writing for the Nonprofit Sector 50:989:313
- Designing Publications for the Web 50:989:316
- Colonial America 50:512:300
- The American Revolution 50:512:305
- The Early American Republic 50:512:315
- The Civil War and Reconstruction Era 50:512:320
- Command History 50:512:365
- Public History Practice 50:509:300
Latin American Studies
- Latin American Leadership Through Literature and Film 50:590:291
- 50:640:493-494 Individual Study in Mathematics (BA,BA)
- 50:640:495-496 Honors Program in Mathematics (3,3)
- 50:750:491-492 Research in Physics I, II (3,3)
- 50:750:495,496 Honors Program in Physics (3,3)
- Ethics 50:730:226
- Biomedical Ethics 50:730:249
- Political Philosophy 50:730:342
- Social Philosophy 50:730:343
Political Science
- The American Presidency 50:790:407
Social Work
- Professional Development Seminar 50:910:332
Urban Studies
- Community Development 50:975:400
- Urban Practicum I and II (may change this name soon) 50:975:421-422
- Community Leadership Training 50:975:451
- Nonprofit Organization and Management 50:975:480