Readings in Early American History
W 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm
Professor Shankman
History 505 examines the principal economic, political, social, and cultural developments in British North America and the United States between 1760 and 1820.
Gender in Theory and History
T 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm
Professor Jewell
The history of gender has come a long way since it first emerged as women’s history in the mid-twentieth century alongside the Second Wave Feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s. From women’s history to the new frontier of transgender history, this course traces the development of gender as a category of historical study, and how its direction was shaped by certain theoretical and methodological debates both within and outside the discipline of history. After initially examining the gendered nature of historical practice itself, in the first half of the course we will explore the emergence of women’s history—from ancient history to US history—and how this eventually transformed into gender history, including feminist histories, the history of masculinity, as well as the introduction of deconstructionist theory (Judith Butler), and the critiques of this new perspective (Joan Scott). The second half of the course will then examine specific intersections between gender history and other categories of history, including race, labor and technology, the body, sexuality, health, colonialism, as well as both regionally specific and global histories.
Students will complete in-depth readings (monographs and/or articles) for each weekly topic, actively contribute to class discussion, co-facilitate one discussion, and write both a book review and a short methodological review essay relevant to their own research interests.
Readings in African American History
TH 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm
Professor Boyd
This course examines the principal themes and developments in African American History from the end of Reconstruction to the present.
Craft of History
M 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm
Professor Marker
The Craft of History is unique in the master’s program at Rutgers-Camden. Rather than a readings or research course in a particular area of history, this course is designed to familiarize students with major problems, questions, and methods that shape the discipline of history as a whole. In the first part of the course, we will explore how scholars have historicized the study of history itself. We’ll then consider a wide variety of competing methodological approaches to the study of the past and work through the major “historiographical turns” of the past few decades. The course will conclude with an examination of a few key historical debates, the boundaries between scholarship and fraud, and the politics of history-writing today.
(cross listed with 50:512:381:01)
T 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm
Professor Mires
Controversies over historical monuments are raising awareness of the issues embedded in the processes of creating, communicating, and contesting public understanding of history. This seminar goes behind the scenes of public history settings such as museums, historic sites, and archives to delve into these dynamics. Through a series of case studies, we will discover how historical narratives are constructed and communicated within history-focused organizations, in public space, and in the digital realm. This course for undergraduates meets together with the graduate course Issues in Public History, with assignments adjusted as appropriate for each level. Undergraduates will get to know the field by contributing to the annual Public History Year in Review ( and will gain a realistic understanding of the career opportunities in public history. Undergraduates also will have options to fulfill assignments by visiting and writing about historic sites of choice.
by arrangement
Professor Mires
This course offers the opportunity to gain knowledge of local and regional history while contributing to a public history project based at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities (MARCH) at Rutgers-Camden. The options include historic house research and curatorship for the Cooper Street Historic District and research and digital publishing for The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia.
By Arrangement
Professor Woloson
Supervised work experience in a public history office or private institutional setting, involving project work for one semester or a summer.