October 8, 2021 (Friday) 10:00 am – 12:00 pm  **VIRTUAL SESSION**
Susan Mokhberi, Rutgers-Camden
Indravati Félicité, Université de Paris
In this special joint session, Professors Mokhberi and Félicité will present their new Global collaborative project, bringing together scholars from the US and abroad on the topic of foreign encounters in the early modern era.

November 19, 2021 (Friday) 4:00-5:30 pm **VIRTUAL SESSION**

Postwar Urban Planning and the Decline of Black Business

KENDRA BOYD, Rutgers-Camden

Comment:  Brandon Winford, University of Tennessee-Knoxville


February 18, 2022 (Friday) 4:00-5:30 pm  

“Tout à fait unique: Alfred Métraux, Te Rangi Hiroa, and the Southern Oceanic Roots of Postwar Antiracism”Flyer

SEBASTIÁN GIL-RIAÑO, University of Pennsylvania. 

Comment: Matt Matsuda, Rutgers-New Brunswick


March 25, 2022 (Friday) 4:00 – 5:30 pm  **VIRTUAL SESSION**

Adulescens, paene puer: Scripting Octavian’s Age Between Slavery and Youth” Flyer

EVAN JEWELL, Rutgers-Camden

Comment: Amy Richlin, University of California, Los Angeles


April 8, 2022 (Friday) 4:00-5:30 pm

“The Soldiers’ (Real) Soundtrack: A New History of Music in the US War in Vietnam ”  Flyer

 DAVID SUISMAN, University of Delaware

Comment: Andrea Bohlman, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill