Criteria for Tenure and Promotion – History
Appointments, reappointment and promotions of tenure-track and tenured faculty may be made in recognition of accomplishments: in teaching, scholarship, and service.
- SCHOLARSHIP. Active scholarship should be a fundamental endeavor of all members of the faculty. In the disciplines of history, scholarship includes papers presented before scholarly bodies, reviews, journal articles, chapters in edited volumes, and monographs. It may also include exhibition curation, the creation and maintenance of online historical resources, and other examples of public history. Ideally, faculty will have established national, if not international, reputations in their respective fields. A monograph, at minimum, is required for tenure.
- TEACHING. Effective teaching should be a fundamental endeavor of all members of the faculty. As teachers, members of the faculty are responsible for effective instruction, whether at the undergraduate or graduate level. Teaching includes teaching in the classroom; overseeing independent studies, internships, and MA and PhD theses; and mentoring. Members of the faculty in history are expected to display excellence in all aspects of instruction. Effective teachers must demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in their discipline, must effectively communicate this knowledge to others from a variety of perspectives, and must give evidence of a continuing development of their knowledge so as to ensure their continued effective teaching over the duration of their appointment. They stay informed of advances and current thinking in their subject and relate them to their teaching in a meaningful and balanced way. This might be evinced through revision of syllabi, the development of new courses or instructional modules, and/or the integration of new media into the classroom. Effective teachers communicate enthusiasm for their subject and have a responsibility to create a positive environment for learning and one that stimulates imaginative thinking. They maintain a critical attitude toward their teaching and strive continuously to improve it.
- SERVICE. Service includes the contributions a faculty member makes to the academic profession, to the University, and to society at large. Contributions to the advancement of the academic profession are most typically demonstrated by active participation in professional and scholarly associations; by service on editorial boards; and as a reviewer of scholarly works and proposals. Contributions to the effective operation of the University at all levels are most typically demonstrated by significant academic and professional service to the department, the discipline, the faculty, the undergraduate colleges, the graduate programs, the campus, or the University as a whole, through such activities as recruitment of scholars to the University, evaluation of peers, contributions as a fellow, contributions to important committees and other activities in support of the academic development of the University and the enhancement of student academic development and student life programs. Contributions to society at large are most typically demonstrated through the application of the faculty member’s academic expertise and particular professional skills to the solution of international, national, state, county and local problems and by service for the public good on governmental and other special committees, boards, agencies, civic groups and commissions.